Omid Mahian is a full Professor at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University. He is also a visiting professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London. Currently, he is a member of the Editorial Board of Energy (Elsevier), Renewable Energy (Elsevier), and Journal of Nanostructures in Chemistry (Springer), a senior associate editor of Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Springer), and some other journals. His research direction mainly includes the application of nanotechnology in renewable energy (such as nanofluids application in solar collectors and solar desalination) and analysis of thermal systems. So far, he has published more than 100 SCI papers. He has papers in top journals including Joule, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Physics Reports and Nano Energy. He has received several international awards from conferences and innovation exhibitions for his contribution in the field of heat transfer and renewable energy.