He completed master studies at AGH University of Science and Technology and PhD studies at the Cracow University of Technology, both in the field of Materials Engineering. As an expert in the field of nanomaterials he conducted research dedicated to practical application of those materials in photovoltaics and printed electronics technologies. He worked in prestigious foreign research institutes such as the German Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy in Freiburg and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan.
Since 2009, he runs his own companies: 3D-nano dedicated to implementation of advanced technologies related to material engineering and HogerBox Ltd. focused on design and production of custom-made gloveboxes, laboratory devices ensuring safe and convenient work with harmful and sensitive materials. While setting main directions of both companies’ growth, using his scientific experience he focuses on R&D related activity conducted within internal and international research projects. Consequently, HogerBox and 3D-nano offer not only their state-of-the-art products but are also aimed at constant products’ development and implementation of new technologies.