Engineer and physicist specialized in 2D materials, microfabrication, biosensing, membrane devices, and blue energy harvesting. Working with renewable energy applications, nanofabrication, thin film synthesis and functional surface coatings. Engaged in R&D/innovation consulting, project management, science communication and outreach in the areas of nanotechnology, materials science, and startup business development. Expert and advisor to governmental agencies and institutions such as Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and National Smart Specialization (Krajowe Inteligentne Specjalizacje – KIS) group.
Awarded a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2022) while working with microfabrication, 2D-materials and nanopore-based biosensing devices and nanofluidic phenomena research.
Currently working at CERN, Switzerland as a Senior Research Fellow in Radiation-To-Materials group in the Accelerators Systems department.