Prof. Masset earned his M.Sc and doctorate at the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble in France in the fields of materials science and electrochemistry. Prof. Masset looks back on a long career in the field of materials science with a focus on additive manufacturing. After his PhD thesis at the French CEA research institute, he moved to Germany for his post-doc at European Commission. Then he was employed as Research Associate at the research institute Dechema in Frankfurt. He served as a research group leader at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and then as a department head at the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT in Germany and was visiting professor at the TU Petronas in Malaysia (2011). He was appointed as professor at the TU Koszalin in Poland in 2021 and is now a visiting professor at TU Warsaw and at Kaziranga University in India. As an entrepreneur, he has excellent contacts in the scene, knows the funding landscape in Poland and the EU, and also has a lot of experience in industry and research. In addition, he also has a strong personal interest in the topic and the international networking of companies and educational institutions in the field of additive manufacturing. Furthermore, he has initiated and coordinated numerous national and transnational research projects.