InterNanoPoland 2019

YEAR 2019

Edition 2019 was:

Over 230 participants

Indluding 119 scientific and 62 business representatives. People who was there with us identify as: entrepreneurs, scientists, students, technological companies, business support organizations, governmental institutions, cluster. International community from European academia, industry and R&D institutes. About additional 50 participants can be added thank to partner parallel events we hosted!

Over 66 oral presentations

Twice more than in previous year in the same time period! Presentations of latest developments, achievements and experience by recognized authorities in science, innovative industry and business.

Over 72 poster presentations

Young scientists and their ongoing projects and achievements.

3 nanotechnology clusters on one scene

For the first time panel discussion on InterNanoPoland gathered reperentatives from Polish, Czech and German nano clusters!

3 networking sessions

Official networking dinners, sessions and B2B matchmaking events were arranged

Special guests and plenty of new collaboration and business opportunities.

The organizers – NANONET Foundation and Silesian NANO Cluster – give special thanks to co-host the City of Katowice, scientific partner University of Silesia, all partners and sponsors, and financing from ClusterMat CORNET project.